Configuring your onboarding services

Configuring your onboarding services

To start, go to Main menu > Services & Pricing. A default services list has been provided by The Gap; the list is territory specific. In this tab, you can review, amend, delete or add new Service Categories and Services.

You must have administrator rights to access the portal areas referenced in this article.
Important info
Before editing the services in the Onboarding Services tab, we recommended you print the services list and review it as a team to ensure consistency of proposals. To print the services, click the Print button in the top right corner of the screen, below the Main menu.


Uploading your Terms of Engagement

  A  Terms of Engagement is required for the Services Proposal in the Proactive Onboarding bridge. We recommend uploading your default Terms of Engagement in the Onboarding Services tab to automatically attach to your Services Proposals
Important info
A Terms of Engagement Template is available in the Selling folder of the Proactive Onboarding bridge.
  1. Click the +Upload Terms of Engagement button in the top right corner of the Onboarding Services tab.
  2. Select a PDF file (size limit: 5MB).
  3. Click OK.

Service Descriptions and Line Pricing

Toggle Service Descriptions and Line Pricing on and off for each Service Category to show or hide Service Descriptions and Line Pricing within your Services ProposalsService Descriptions and Line Pricing are toggled off by default. Click  once on each icon to enable/disable them; all changes are saved automatically.
  1. Green icons  mean the feature is currently active and the Service Descriptions and/or Line Pricing will appear on Services Proposals
  2. Grey icons  mean the feature is currently inactive and the Service Descriptions and/or Line Pricing won't appear on Services Proposals

Service Categories

Important info
Before editing or adding a Service Category, collapse all categories by clicking on the chevron arrow  on the right side of each category name to view all categories on screen and access the  Add Service Category button. 

Editing Service Category names  

  1. Hover over the Service Category name so the action icons appear next to the chevron arrow  or .
  2. Click Edit Category Name .
  3. Type the new name.
  4. Click out of the name field to automatically save changes.

Adding new Service Categories

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Add Service Category button.
  2. Type the name in the Category Name input field in the popover prompt.
  3. Toggle Services Descriptions  and Line Pricing  on/off by clicking the icons.
  4. Click Save.

Changing the order of Service Categories

  1. Collapse each Service Category by clicking on chevron arrow  next to the Service Category name.
  2. Hover over the Service Category so the action icons appear next to the chevron arrow .
  3. Click and hold on the Move Category  button.
  4. Drag the Service Category to the desired position.
  5. Drop the Service Category by releasing the mouse button; all changes are saved automatically.

Deleting a Service Category

A deleted Service Category cannot be restored.
  1. Hover over the Service Category name so the action icons appear.
  2. Click Delete Category .
  3. Click OK on the popover prompt.


Pricing added to services in the Business Development services category will pull automatically pull through to the services in the BD Pricing tab.

Editing Services

  1. Hover over the Service Name and click Edit Service . 
  2. Click the Service Name dropdown and select Create new... or select an existing name from the list.
  3. If Create new... was selected, type the new name in the field below the Service Name dropdown.
  4. To include a Service Description, activate the checkbox  in the Description section.
  5. Type the description of the Service in the textbox.
  6. Enter your pricing in the Annual Pricing section: Agreed Price, Estimated Price and Price Range.
  7. Click Save.

Adding new Services

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the relevant Service Category and click +Add Service
  2. Repeat steps 2 to 6 from the "Editing Services" instructions above.

Changing the order of Services inside a Service Category

  1. Scroll to the relevant Service Category.
  2. Hover over a Service Category so the action icons appear.
  3. Click and hold the Move Service  button.
  4. Drag the Service to the desired position. Services can only be moved to different positions inside the same Service Category.
  5. Drop the Service by releasing the mouse button.
  6. Repeat the process until all Services are in the desired order in each Service Category; all changes are saved automatically.

Deleting a Service

A deleted Service cannot be restored.
  1. Hover over a Service so the action icons appear.
  2. Click Delete Service .
  3. Click OK on the popover prompt.
Continue advanced setup: Creating service plans
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