Gap member firms have a competitive advantage using The Gap's Intellectual Property to market, sell and deliver Business Development and Advisory services to their clients, as well as accessing educational and best practice content to use within their firm. In order to protect our members' competitive advantage, The Gap has strict Intellectual Property protection terms in our Licence Agreement, which every member firm agrees to upon joining The Gap. It's essential for us to protect the years of work and dedication which has been put into The Gap.
Important info
You can view our Licence Agreement at any time on our
Use of The Gap's Intellectual Property during the membership period
Your Gap membership gives you a licence to use The Gap's Intellectual Property while you're a paying member. This includes access to The Gap Portal to use our Business Advisory bridges, deliver webinars and seminars, learn and share new mindsets, watch recorded training sprints, utilise marketing content, and implement best practice processes, structure, job descriptions, and performance management in your firm. Your membership also includes regular support from our Member Support team and live training sprints and masterclasses.
Protecting our members' competitive advantage
Feedback from our members shows how much value The Gap adds to their firm and their clients. Most members achieve an incredibly high ROI from utilising The Gap's content and platform. This makes it especially important to protect our Intellectual Property and ensure members maintain their competitive advantage. We take breaches of the Licence Agreement seriously and have processes in place to ensure members who cancel their membership comply with the terms of our Licence Agreement.
Our Member Support team are available to help all members achieve a high ROI from The Gap.
Upon membership cancellation
If you choose to cancel your membership after the 12-month minimum term, we required 30 days notice. This notice period allows you to retrieve your client data from the portal and remove The Gap's Intellectual Property from your devices, servers, website, marketing material, and storage systems. After the 30 days, portal access will be switched off and you will no longer be able to access this information.
As per our Licence Agreement, upon termination, you must:
- Uninstall, return to The Gap, or destroy all content and other Intellectual Property belonging to The Gap; and
- Not make any further use of the content or The Gap's Intellectual Property, including to the extent that any Intellectual Property resides in modifications, alterations or adaptations.
- Provide The Gap with a written and signed confirmation that you've fully complied with the Termination clause of the Licence Agreement (if requested).
What this means
After cancelling your membership, you must not use any content created using The Gap's Intellectual Property.
- Any content or resources added to your website must be removed, including blogs, downloadable resources, marketing information, service descriptions, etc.
- Content downloaded from the portal must be removed from all storage systems, including PowerPoint presentations, Word files, PDFs, Excel templates, etc.
- You can no longer market or deliver The Gap's webinars or seminars
- Any content used to provide workshops, coaching, educational programmes, internal processes, etc. must no longer be used and must be removed from all storage systems
- You can retain work created for clients in The Gap Portal for your records but must not use this to continue offering the service
Monitoring usage
The Gap uses portal analytics to monitor activity in The Gap Portal. This allows us to monitor commonly used content, identify member firms who need more support to use the content, and improve our content and application.