Customising firm settings

Customising firm settings

The Firm Settings area is where you will add your firm's contact information, Logo and Footer Text. This information will automatically populate portal documents.

You must have administrator rights to access the portal areas referenced in this article.

To set up your firm's settings, navigate to Navigation panel Firm Settings. Please note that updates to Firm Settings do not pull through to drafted documents.

Firm Details

Your Firm Settings will be populated with the contact details you provided on your membership form; all fields except Firm Name can be edited in your Firm Settings.
  1. Firm Name: This field cannot be edited; you must contact us to update your Firm Name
  2. Tax Organisation: This is auto-populated based on your location, e.g. IRD, ATO or HMRC
  3. Website: This field is required prior to saving your settings; it will already be populated if you provided your website address on your membership form
  4. Office Phone: This field will already be populated if you provided your Office Phone number on your membership form
  5. Fax: An optional field to enter your fax number
  6. Logo: Upload your firm's logo to automatically brand your portal documents
    1. Supported image types include jpg and png
    2. The recommended logo dimensions are 580px * 100px, with a 72ppi image resolution
    3. Your firm logo can be replaced within a portal document, e.g. with your client's logo on their Business Plan 
  7. Address: This field will already be populated if you provided your Address on your membership form

Document Settings

  1. Footer Text: An optional field to enter footer text for portal documents; this will appear in the bottom right-hand corner of each page of a document, to the right of a copyright © symbol
Important info
We recommend entering your firm name into this field.
  1. Footer text updates do not pull through existing firm documents; make sure to recreate any templates, drafts and document versions to show the new footer text
  2. Do not forget to click Save in the bottom right-hand corner after making any changes

FYI Integration

  1. Click Connect to FYI to set up your integration with FYI
  2. Check out Filing documents to FYI for more information about the integration

Continue minimum setup: The Payment Options tab
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