Content types commonly found in Gap bridges
The Gap's systemised process means that most bridges contain common document types, with additional content relevant to the specific service. Below is a simple summary of each of the common document types. For more information on content within a specific bridge, check out the knowledge base article for that bridge using the search function.
The Process folder
- Service Delivery Videos: some bridges include step by step videos that walk you through Gap processes and show how to use Gap content to deliver key services.
- Process Guide: review for greater context and understanding of best practice.
- It contains important information such as session duration, who the service is most relevant for, essential mindsets to enhance your delivery, and how to deliver the service using the content
We strongly recommend reading the
Process Guide prior to using the content in any of the bridges.
The Marketing folder
- Service Cards: download these flyers and add your branding to promote the services you offer.
- Download the Service Card Template document for a pre-populated flyer - simply add your firm's details, then print front and back to A5 paper
- Download the Service Cart Text Only document if you would like to design your own flyers using Gap text
- Display them in your reception area for clients to peruse while they're waiting
- Provide to your spheres of influence for them to discuss with their clients
- Outline and Benefits: email to interested clients via the portal.
- Clearly articulates the value of the service and what it involves
- Forms the basis of the Cue Cards for internal marketing within your team so they can comfortably articulate the value to clients
Go to
Navigation panel >
Marketing >
Your BD Marketing Collateral >
Cue Cards Master to print additional sets of Cue Cards for your team.
The Selling folder
- Proposal Scoping Notes: use this if you're not yet clear on the specific value of a service for a client. It helps you to capture the objectives, measures of success and the value of achieving their objectives so you can translate these into an effective proposal.
- Use during a phone or email conversation where you ask the questions in the Proposal Scoping Notes to extract the information you need
- Singles service proposal: each bridge contains a single service proposal reflecting a 9 step proposal methodology.
- Each proposal has inbuilt Objectives, Measures of Success and Values for you to include and you can add your own bespoke points to customise the proposal for your client
- Each proposal also sets mutual expectations, outlines the timing, succinctly summarises the process for delivering the proposed service and states the pricing and payment terms
- Clients can accept the proposal online or download and print the PDF attached to the email to manually accept the proposal
- See our Using proposals article for more information
- Multi-service proposal: these exist where services are commonly sold together, for example, Business Planning, Cashflow Forecast and Coaching are commonly sold together.
Important info
We call the above three services the
Trifecta as they are best practice and highly recommended for any business.
The Delivery Folder
- Confirmation and Pre-work Email: this should be sent in advance of delivering a service (typically 1-2 weeks before a meeting).
- Pre-work engages your client in the process and allows you to go deeper in the session
- Pre-work ensures everyone gets their view heard and establishes any misalignment between business owners
- See our Using pre-work article for more information
- Administration Support Checklist: a checklist of everything your admin team should do to support you in delivering the service
- If the service involves a meeting this will include key tasks for admin to do before, during and following the meeting
- Delivery Notes: provides clear guidelines on how to deliver the meeting, with talking points and questions to ask the client as appropriate.
- These are extremely comprehensive; we recommend you practise speaking to these several times to become comfortable before your first client session
- These are not designed for you to recite word for word; adapt to reflect your own speaking style
- These contain a suggested time allocation to ensure you complete the meeting within the prescribed time
- Plan Template: to develop a plan and record the client's goals and actions during the meeting.
- These plans work in tandem with client Pre-work and the Delivery Notes
- Meeting Minutes: a template to record notes and actions during a meeting.
- Effective use of Meeting Minutes avoids bloat in plans, e.g. Business Plans or Succession Plans, as you can capture the client's thoughts in the Meeting Minutes then succinctly summarise the key information in the plan
- Record actions your firm will take, e.g. sending a proposal or resource - ensure you discuss the price and gain conceptual agreement before recording the action in the Minutes
- Reflect on the things you found valuable during the session then ask the client to share three things of value; record these in the Minutes and ask if you can use their feedback in your marketing
- Feedback form: send this after you've delivered a service to gain feedback for improvement.
- It contains a checkbox for your client to confirm they're happy for you to create a testimonial based on their feedback
- Guide to Utilising Client Feedback for Testimonials: read this to ensure your process for extracting and publishing client testimonials is robust and considered.
Important info
Some bridges deviate from this process. For example, the
Complimentary Client Review and
Proactive Onboarding bridges don't revolve around delivering a monetisable service, instead, they help identify services your client would benefit from so you can gain conceptual agreement to send a proposal.
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